Trade In

I imagine (in some other galaxy) the headline reads, “Humanity worships the Western world of brown-boxes on front porch stairs. This is the story of how they abandon themselves.” Lured in long ago, we traded all for our souls. We hooked ourselves in and denied that it was true. We were distracted by, “more of this, bigger of that, better-than-yours, and blame-it-on-the-other.” We chase shimmering ghosts sold online in smartphones. Swipe. Click. Swipe.

We unravel the obsolete & come out from the veils. We replenish each other and are ready to serve. We want all things in no thing. Ancient Darkness, we know what we miss. Sound us back home. Usher us in. We pray ourselves onward to holy, sanctuary home.

Darlings, we reside as Divine. Together, we step into our risers. Notice our strength. Notice our magic. Notice our knowing. Notice being known.

Woven into our future, surrender humanity’s sadness and fear - they belong to time long ago. It’s time we trade in fluorescent lights, blue screens, and office cubes for days dangling toes into the lakes.

We are the collective heartbeat in the unknown.


Find Your Breath


Front Line Guide